4.10 Site Data

4.10 现场数据

The Employer shall have made available to the Contractor for his information, prior to the Base Date, all relevant data in the Employer’s possession on subsurface and hydrological conditions at the Site, including environmental aspects. The Employer shall similarly make available to the Contractor all such data which come into the Employer’s possession after the Base Date.


The contractor shall be responsible for verifying and interpreting all such data. The Employer shall have no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of such data, except as stated in Sub-Clause 5.1 [General Design Responsibilities].


4.11 Sufficiency of the Contract Price

4.11 合同价格

The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Price.


Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contract price covers all the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract (including those under Provisional Sums, if any) and all things necessary for the proper design, execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects.


4.12 Unforeseeable Difficulties

4.12 不可预见的困难

Except as otherwise stated in the Contract:


(a) the Contractor shall be deemed to have obtained all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect the Works;


(b) by signing the Contract, the Contractor accepts total responsibility for having foreseen all difficulties and costs of successfully completing the Works; and


(c) the Contract Price shall not be adjusted to take account of any unforeseen difficulties or costs.
