



在工程管理的英文语境下,安全生产管理和其他一些管理工作并称为HSE管理,即健康、安全和环境保护(Health、Safety and Environment Protection)管理体系。


譬如,英国SMM和NRM计量规则在工程量清单BQ中有HSE费用计价科目的专门设置(如NRM2规则之主合同计价清单preliminaries章节1.2.5科目的“Safety and environmental protection”),我国GB50500计价规范则更强制性地将安全文明措施费作为不可竞争性费用列于清单的相关表单和科目中。



4.8 Health and Safety Obligations(健康和安全义务条款)对承包商在员工健康和安全生产管理方面的义务提出合同约定,它规定了承包商应当遵守的以下基本义务

(a) comply with all applicable health and safety regulations and Laws(承包商应当遵守所有适用的健康和安全条例和法律);


(b) comply with all applicable health and safety obligations specified in the Contract(承包商遵守合同中规定的所有适用的健康和安全义务);


(c) comply with all directives issued by the Contractor’s health and safety officer (承包商应当遵守承包商健康和安全管理专员发布的所有指示);



【6.7.(b) ...The Contractor shall appoint a health and safety officer at the Site, responsible for maintaining health, safety and protection against accidents. This officer shall(承包商应任命健康安全专员负责维护健康、安全和防止事故发生。该人员应):

(i) be qualified, experienced and competent for this responsibility; and(有资格、有经验和胜任这项职责)

(ii) have the authority to issue directives for the purpose of maintaining the health and safety of all personnel authorised to enter and/or work on the Site and to take protective measures to prevent accidents(有权发布维护所有授权进入和/或在现场工作人员的健康安全,并采取保护措施防止事故发生的指令)

Throughout the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall provide whatever is required by this person to exercise this responsibility and authority(在工程实施过程中,承包商应提供该专员员履行其职责和权利所需要的任何事项)】


(d)  take care of the health and safety of all persons entitled to be on the Site and other places (if any) where the Works are being executed(承包商应当照管所有有权进入现场及其他区域(如有)进行施工的人员的健康及安全);


(e) keep the Site, Works (and the other places (if any) where the Works are being executed) clear of unnecessary obstruction so as to avoid danger to these persons(排除工程现场和其他正在施工场所(如有)的不必要障碍物,以避免对人员造成危险);

(f) provide fencing, lighting, safe access, guarding and watching of(为以下情形提供围挡、照明、安全通道、警卫和观察岗):

(i) the Works, until the Works are taken over under Clause 10 [Employer’s Taking Over](移交前的工程本身); and

(ii) any part of the Works where the Contractor is executing outstanding works or remedying any defects during the DNP(未完成的工程或在DNP期间修补任何缺陷的工程); and

(注:DNP指工程缺陷通知期 Defects Notification Period)


(g) provide any Temporary Works (including roadways, footways, guards and fences) which may be necessary, because of the execution of the Works, for the use and protection of the public and of owners and occupiers of adjacent land and property(提供因工程施工需要的所有临时工程,用以保护公众和临近土地和物业的所有人、占用人的使用和保护,包括车行道、人行道、警卫和围墙等).



Within 21 days of the Commencement Date and before commencing any construction on the Site, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer for information a health and safety manual which has been specifically prepared for the Works, the Site and other places (if any) where the Contractor intends to execute the Works. This manual shall be in addition to any other similar document required under applicable health and safety regulations and Laws(在开工日期内21天和实际开工建造前,承包商应当提交一份专门用于实施工程使用的健康安全手册,作为适用的健康安全法规和法律所要求的任何其他类似补充文件)。



(i)    specified in the Employer’s Requirements(“业主需求”中规定的);


(ii) that comply with all the Contractor’s health and safety obligations under the Contract(符合合同规定的所有承包商的健康和安全义务); and

(iii) that are necessary to effect and maintain a healthy and safe working environment for all persons entitled to be on the Site and other places (if any) where the Works are being executed(为所有获授权进入正在施工的现场和其他工程实施地点(如有)的人员提供健康安全的工作环境)。


....the Contractor shall submit to the Employer details of any accident as soon as practicable after its occurrence and, in the case of an accident causing serious injury or death, shall inform the Employer immediately(...任何事故发生后,承包商应在可行情况下尽快向业主提交详细情况,造成严重伤亡的事故应当立即业主)。


银皮书的第2.3Employer’s Personnel and Other Contractors(雇主人员和其他承包商)条款中规定,业主应负责保证在现场或附近的业主人员和其他承包商(如果有)做到(The Employer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Employer’s Personnel and the Employer’s other contractors (if any) on or near the Site):

(b)comply with the same obligations which the Contractor is required to comply with under sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of Sub-Clause 4.8 [Health and Safety Obligations] and under Sub-Clause 4.18 [Protection of the Environment](遵守与根据第4.8款[健康和安全义务]的第(a)至(e)项和第4.18款[环境保护]要求承包商所遵循守的同样义务。)

